Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Odd Thing about Today

I was in the grocery store this morning trying to decide which Mrs. Butterworth Pancake Syrup I was going to get, when a man said, "Excuse me Baby, can I get by you? Happy Mother's Day to you." OK, so this gentleman may have assumed (innocently) that I was a mom, so I said thank you and continued weighing my syrup options.

I ended up picking up a bottle of Karo Syrup instead and headed to the cashier. It was my turn to pay. The cashier greeted me, "Happy Mother's Day. You shouldn't be in here buying this today." He smiled and gave me my total. I payed. At the end of the transaction, the cashier handed me back my change and then said, "Now you go home and put your feet up. Enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day."

On my way to the car, I began to wonder, what does a "mother" look like? I don't "look" like one. Surely it isn't a coincidence that two men in a row assumed that I was a mom. Or maybe they were just playing it safe and wishing every female they saw a happy day?

The answer I settled on is that these men sensed the aura of all the mothers in my family surrounding me. I carry them with me. These mothers are beautiful, strong, graceful, headstrong, ambitious, and damned funny (no seriously, they keep me in stiches).

So to Novia, Vee, Paulette, Odelia, Oletha, Lisa (Pebbles), and Debbyanne ... I hope that you've enjoyed your day.

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