Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've Superiorly Performed...

and I got a very stylish, 8x10 inch wooden placard and a letter to prove it! Walsworth (the company that publishes my yearbook) sent it to me during the summer. I got it today at school, along with all of my other summer mail. Being the suspicious person that I am, I asked around if everyone gets such a nice placard at the end of a publishing season. I was pleasantly surprised when I was told no. My rookie year wasn't all bad. Along with a bigger, better, and profit making book, I'd like to get another placard for my sophomore year.

So you asked (I know you did, so I am just answering) what did I do (exactly) to get such recognition. The answer (hold on to something, this one is big): I turned in everything...on time. LOL!

Speaking of superior performance. I am now up to 15 miles on my long runs. I have also past the 50% mark on my fundraising goal.

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