Friday, August 29, 2008

Oye Vay!

The first week of school is over. Thank God! I only really worked 4 days and can I tell you, I feel like it is June or something? The Gods (or devils) must have it out for me.
1. I have two sections of journalism, but half of the kids in both sections are in it, "because my counselor just put me in it. I didn't sign up for it." <---what is that about?
2. I can see that Yearbook is going to get on my nerves. But it isn't for the reason that you may think. Let's see: Staff, check. Staff that wants to actually be in Yearbook, check. Theme chosen, check. DSL's chosen, check. Cover designed, check. Advertisement posters ideas pitched and posters created, check. Ladder completed, check. Faculty photo notifications written and distributed, check. Lab to send, upload and begin building book....ummmm.....Grrrr. Our Master Scheduler (I am using master very loosely) seems to get dumber with the passing of each school year. Check this. He scheduled both Yearbook and Newspaper during the same period in the same lab. That wouldn't be so bad if we had enough computers for everyone. But we only have software licenses for 10 computers...I have 14 kids in Yearbook alone! The poor Newspaper teacher hasn't stopped laughing.
3. My new Literature kids are very chatty and rather immature. The summer assignments I received from them are abysmally sad looking. I can't bring myself to even read them.
4. My principal and one of my AP's have managed to stop by everyday this week. I guess they are making up for the past 10 years that they hadn't stopped by (even when I begged them to) and getting a few in for this year also.
5. I met my student teacher. She seems nice. She has painted on eyebrows. It is kinda odd looking.

I need a very large glass of wine. I will have one after my long run tomorrow.

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