Sunday, November 16, 2008

And So...

It has finally hit me that I can only control my actions and that I can not control the actions of others. Did you say, "Duh"? I mean in my head I knew this, but I didnt really know it until it hit me while I was running past South River Colony this morning during the Cold Turkey 10K. I was running and I heard another runner tell her running partner (I will assume a friend), "Honey, you can only control your own feet. Another person cant make you go any faster or slower. Only you can do that." I adjusted my head phones and ran past the both of them. The words you can only control your own feet stayed with me until I got to the last 100 yards and made the mad dash to the finish line.

Thank you fellow runner for helping me understand that:
1. I can control how fast I go.
2. I can only control my reactions to Mom and Dad's behavior during Thanksgiving Dinner. I will ask them to leave their usual antics at the door and pray that they do.
3. I can control my reaction to DK at work. I will choose to close my ears to all things negative that comes from him.
4. I can only control my reactions to Michael. I will choose to speak up and if it doesn't work...move on.
5. I can always count on me because I can guarantee that I'll be fine.
6. I can only control my behavior and not the behavior of others.

And so I've come to understand that one more of those metaphors about running and life is true. Thanks, my fellow runner, where ever you are this afternoon. BTW: I finished this 10K a whole 9 minutes faster than my 10K time during the Marathon. We-Hee!

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