Thursday, November 27, 2008

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

The person that first said that should've been given some sort of prize, as that is the most authentic saying out there. Thanksgiving 2008 will go down in the history books as a good time.

What changed? The Venue. We were all at Paulette and Sam's house. Another change? We were the adults and we had the kids (well some of us had kids). What else was different is that we had different hairstyles, varying degrees of body sizes, new jobs, new stories & gossip to tell. Complaints flew about the Halftime Show.

Now you may ask, what things were the same? Dinner began at 3. The first guest arrived at 3:25 with the usual "explanations" and the last guest arrived as I was leaving (can you imagine?). I swore that, "this is my last time planning anything for you people." We still laughed our assess off. We ate until we were literally going to bust (I might add that Paulette and I outdid Daddy still managed to monopolized the ears of one poor guest (whose name I never got) with his usual: religion and politics. The kids screamed and laughed and tattle-tailed (kinda like we did when we were there ages). We pulled out out Tupperware containers and aluminum foil. Michael got the ham bone. We planned how we were gonna spend Christmas.

Thanksgiving 2008 was a success. Indeed, there is a God.

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