Thursday, April 24, 2008

There is a Strange Beauty in a Rainstorm

I was asked today if I had a muse. Honestly, at first I was like, "I dunno", even though the title of this blog says otherwise. But then I read the following line on one of my students' papers: "There is a strange beauty in a rainstorm." I got to thinking:
1. sunrise
2. the women in my family
3. the cycle of life
4. that song "All Things Come to an End" by Nelly Furtado
5. my lover's ears
6. knowing that my strength is greater than even I can imagine
7. my butterfly bush when it is full bloom.
8. the blue birds that I see in my back yard
9. sleeping in spoon position in my lover's arms
10. a good book (which happens to be Half the Yellow Sun right now)
11. 2 pm rain showers in San San (Portland) Jamaica
12. the view of the clouds (from a window seat) at 36,000

So yes, I do have my muses. What are yours?

1 comment:

Michelle Sewell said...

I woke up in Santa Fe, NM this morning and I would have to say - the beautiful vista outside my window is the most awe-inspiring I've seen in a long time.
