Thursday, January 3, 2008

Today My Horoscope Said

Virgo (8/23-9/22)
The road ahead of you is in a state of unrest right now -- there is a lot that is still to be decided, and those choices have to be made by other people. If you rush forward and just hope for the best, you might be adding more chaos to your life than you can handle. Wait until the uncertainty fades and you can get a clearer picture of where you need to go. The future is something you should enter into with a clear understanding about what you are setting yourself up for.

Why is it that when you are the most anxious, that is the precise moment that you begin to reach for anything that might provide a glimmer of hope and reassurance? On an ordinary day, my eyes would have skipped right over this section my Internet default page and gone to the section with my email or the news headlines of the hour. But I guess today isn't an ordinary day. My mind's eye directed me to actually stop and read my horoscope.

Of course, I have a half dozen "what ifs?" and "so exactly what does this mean?" and "Could this mean this or does it mean that?" You know that my eyes only saw my, because the cosmos are trying to tell me something. This horoscope is my "Hey you, be prepared" reminder.

OK cosmos...I'm listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only put stock in my horoscopes if they support my current mind think. Basically - it is only valid if I say it is:)