Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"At night, I guess,

is when I do it, Sandy."

That was my confused (and a bit exasperated) response to one of my students in Creative Writing yesterday. She wanted to know when I wrote (as in what time of day). I thought it was an odd question, that was until I thought about it. I guess until Sandy asked, I never really thought about my writing in this manner. Writing has always been a part of my life. A journal here, a poem there. A Post-It on the mirror. The "To Do List" on my desk in my classroom. A magazine cut out on the coffee table. My pile of short stories and query letters in the basket in the living room. The novel (currently by Colin Channer) on my bed. Now...my Musings.

Now that I've had a chance to think about it Sandy. Here is my answer. I write....
1. at night
2. when I am bored
3. at work
4. when I am pissed
5. when I can't sleep
6. when I am being naughty
7. when I am being a coward
8. when I am inspired
9. when I am overwhelmed
10. when the sun is shining
11. when it is pouring down rain
12. when I wake up from a nap
13. in the morning
14. whenever

Tomorrow when I see Sandy, I am going to ask her (and the rest of the class) when they do their writing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lately, I find that I can't wait to write!!

I keep a journal (have for the last 7 years. Use to keep one as a teen but my mother, your aunt doesn't believe in privacy)and write in it virtually every day.

Then there are my writing projects. A script that I have been commissioned to write. The intro and thank yous to the anthology (Just Like A Girl) that is due to my graphic designer in a couple weeks. My extensive "to do" list. The feature length script that I plan on directing some day (it is actually written, now I am working on the re-writes. The random poems (they come less these days). The movie journal that I keep for my mini reviews. The blogs I respond to:) The blog I keep (www.girlchildpress.com). The five thousand emails I send out during the course of the week. And the little love notes and words of inspiration that I leave on the walls in my house. Shit, they are mine I can write on them!

Every way I can I make room to write. I love it. I crave it!
