Saturday, February 16, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I did something different this Valentines Day. I celebrated the spirit of the day. I dressed in a pink and red, Valentines Day inspired $5.00 t-shirt (that read, "love...laugh...dream"), took 30 boxes of Necco Sweethearts in hand and went into full swing.

I enlisted the help of the students in my Creative Writing Class. The mission was to open the boxes of sweethearts and to use the corny sayings on the candy to make Valentines Day poems. We decided that we'd give our creations to someone. Each student had to create 3 poems. After laughing about the hearts that had messages like "hottie" and "fax me", oh and I can't forget "so hot", we all got to work.

60 minutes, a ream of colored paper, paper cuts, and hundreds of sweehearts later our mission proved to be a success. How do I know you ask? Cheryl H. (the teacher across the hall) stopped by my room and said, "ILP, your class assignment made my day." When she saw that I didn't know what she was talking about right away, she held out a neon pink valentine poem.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that she didn't get a poem that had "hottie" and "fax me" on it.

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