Thursday, July 3, 2008

Life is a Marathon

How many times have you heard this one? I have come to understand exactly what this means. Training is going well. I am up to 9 miles on my long runs, which makes the short runs seem like a breeze. During the long runs I entertain myself with music (boy those IPOD Playlists come in handy), I look at the sites along the trail (I ran by the most beautiful horse farm 2 weeks ago), and I think. I think about all kinds of things. I think about how lucky I am. I think about how far I've come (and how far I still have to go) both on the run and in my real life.

While it is very easy for me to get overwhelmed with the how far I still have to go during my long runs, there is something that clicks in me and says, "ILP, take one more step." Then I do. Then that something says, "Take another step." Then I do. Before I know it I have finished my run and wonder why I was so overwhelmed in the first place.

1 comment:

Michelle Sewell said...

That is definitely the approach I am taking when I show up to the gym everyday. I get on the treadmill or eliptical machine and swear that 60 minutes is way too long and I will never make it. Somewhere around the 15 minute mark I hear my internal voice "this isn't so hard, why all the bitchin'?"
You would think after losing 30 plus pounds I would get it - but somehow almost every morning turns into a new lesson.

When your head is hard!