Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just so you know

It's Sunday afternoon and I have just written and addressed all my holiday cards. After licking all of the envelopes (yuk), it occurred to me that I will be throwing $25 out the window. I mean every single year, I go through the process of sending cards to the same group of people that I sent cards to the year before. I don't ever talk to them, not for any particular reason. I don't really know what is going on in their lives, but I send them cheer in an envelope, just to let them know I have "thought about them", and that I will think of them year.

My epiphany about the $25 led me to another epiphany and then another. So on this gray afternoon (with the Green Bay vs. Raiders game playing in the background), I am going to let you in on some of them.

1. I really hate to exercise, but I do it because I am supposed to (you know, good for the heart, weight control, obese Americans, blah, blah). I like the way I feel once I am done though. Cycling and the Treadclimer are my favorites of exercise that I hate.
2. Dark chocolate is the best! I am so glad that I bought that case of 72% Cocoa Chocolate Assortment from Harry & David ( Nothing else needs to be said about that.
3. Watching Football on TV isn't really that bad. I am not really sure why I used to complain about it in the past.
4. 60 Minutes' Andy Rooney is funny as hell.
5. I may actually be one of those statistics that are out there on black women and marriage. I am 36...not a prospect in sight. I mean I may actualy be alone for the rest of my life. Not sure if I am OK with that. I used to talk about it with one of my chic friends. Then she got married and said to me one day, "Just because you're not married, doesn't mean you are alone." I really could have punched her in her face that day. She came across as preachy and self righteous. I mean she use to understand before she became Mrs. Well I didn't deck her, but I haven't touched the topic with her again either.
6. I really love to travel. How I ever became a teacher (and a good one) is beyond me. I really should have forced the issue with the Foreign Service or mustered the courage to work for a cruise line. Or become that Tour Europe. I have researched taking a volunteer vacation this upcoming summer. I will make my decision after the new year.
7. I am relieved that I haven't spoken to my parents this week. I call them The Vortex, as they suck all the energy out of me and I haven't become adult enough to tell them as much. I am sure that my relationship with them is totally dysfunctional and that one day I am going to regret one thing or another as it relates to them, but I just do not possess the mental or physical fortitude to deal with The Vortex right now. Sigh.
8. I am jealous of creative people. Yes, I have finally admitted it. Writers, designers, musicians, painters, actors, photographers, chefs, dancers. I am jealous of how they are able to dedicate themselves to their passion. Dedicate themselves to their craft. To see something when there is nothing and then...create.
9. I need a cleaning person. My house isn't a mess or anything, but keeping the house exactly the way I want it is A LOT of work.
10. I could win the $1,000,000 on The Amazing Race. No, I really could.
11. I really appreciate UPS, FedEx, and the USPS. Most of the trinkets in my house are here because of them. Having them around has made my life so much easier.
With that being said...I guess I should put all my cards in the mailbox. I must do my part in the cycle of mailing, shipping and delivery. I must give (or in this case mail) in order to receive.

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