Friday, December 7, 2007

What will I do?

What will I do when 30 Rock, Scrubs, & The Office goes off the air? I just needed to ask, as I am going to admit that I am addicted to those shows. The shows are smart and whitty. Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan are my favorites anyway, but they really work well together on the show. This is the last year for Scrubs. The horror! I am going to have to breakdown and actually join the rest of the human race and get a DVD player and buy the series.

People always ask, "what is so funny about 30 Rock?" They complain that The Office has no point. One of my students said, "Scrubs is just random." I guess they don't get it because these shows are what I call "smart" comedies. It isnt slap stick or gutter. They don't curse or beat each other up. These shows don't need to make fart sounds or crass jokes. These shows make me laugh each week at the hiccups in the human condition. They make me laugh, while giving me something to think about.

I re-watched last weeks episode of 30 Rock tonight and Tracy (Tracy Morgan) had gotten involved with a youth baseball team. He was doing it as it was his way of "giving back". He brought his team to his job to show them around and they happen to run into Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin). Let's just say that Alex was moved that these kids didn't have the finest in baseball gear. He was appalled that the kids didn't play on real grass (even though they lived in NYC). Tracy tried to make his boss understand that he couldn't just "rescue" these poor kids, as the kids would see right through his act of "charity". Alex needed to understand that he couldn't discount the kids' personal feelings and values as it was the understanding of the kids that would help to build the bridge. It was in the understanding of the kids' values that would allow his help to be well received and appreciated. This bridge is how they would truly accept his charity. Of course, Jack wanted no part of Tracy's advice. Jack responded, "But of course I can push my values on these kids. And of course I'll be right. This is America for God's sake. We push our value system on other people all the time. It's what we do." He looked directly at the camera when he said it. I swear he was talking directly to me.

I laughed for the rest of the show (which is my official explanation as to why I needed to re-watch it).

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